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Build a Website Better, Together

Empowering developers to build accessible websites

Install the AccessiScan Extension


Learn about accessibility through our recommended resources.

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Once you’ve installed the AccessiScan Chrome Extension, test it out using these demo pages.

Try the Demo


Post questions about accessibility and receive help from other developers in the community.

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Track your progress by viewing your AccessiScan score history.

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Why use AccessiScan?

Real-time accessibility analysis

Scan your website on your localhost, or deployed version, and receive near instant feedback on how accessible it is.

AccessiScan logo
Screenshot of scanning our demo page for text size

Detailed accessibility scores and suggestions for improvement

When you scan your website, we provide you a score for each accessibility type, and an brief explanation on how you can improve your score.

Learn about accessibility in technology

Our resources page contains videos, articles, and documentation on what it means for technology to be accessible, and how to implement it in your own projects.

Screenshot of the resources page
Screenshot of scanning on localhost

Improve the accessibility of your website before deployment

The AccessiScan Chrome Extension can scan your website from a localhost -- meaning that you can check how accessible your website is while you are developing it. No need to wait until you deploy or publish your website to start thinking about how to make it accessible.

Join a community

Participate in the community by posting your accessibility related questions, replying to others, and up-voting helpful posts!

Screenshot of a post on the community board

Reach broader audiences

By using AccessiScan you will learn how to make your websites accessible to broader audiences.